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National Repository Library, Päivärannantie 10, 70420 KUOPIO. Tel. +358 294 117 600, +358 294 117 680 (ILL)

Construction project of the new building

We provide updates on the process of the construction project for the new National Repository Library on this page.

SRV is building a new facility for the National Repository Library in Hiltulanlahti, Kuopio. The construction project is well underway and is expected to be completed by the end of year 2024.


View pictures from the construction site here.

According to the plan, the new construction for the National Repository Library is expected to be completed by the end of 2024, and the construction project has progressed according to schedule. It seems we should be able to start the relocation between the years 2024-2025 as planned.


To ensure a smooth relocation, we have been working with the collections since last summer. During the ongoing spring, we are preparing the procurement for the move. After the procurement process, during the upcoming fall, we can provide more detailed information about the relocation schedules.

The upcoming relocation also effects on how long we can receive materials from other libraries.


We will receive books and and magazines as usual until the end of August. Regarding music materials, we will only accept items marked with the sending library’s Vaari ownership or LowTag labels before the move to the new premises. We will provide more information later.

The National Repository Library’s interlibrary loan service operates as usual for the time being.

Our new construction for NRL is expected to be completed by the end of 2024, and after that, we can start packing the collection for the relocation.

Thus, to ensure a smooth relocation, we wish that your library loans would return to us by 29th of November 2024.

We will inform well in advance of any changes related to the interlibrary loan service.