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National Repository Library, Päivärannantie 10, 70420 KUOPIO. Tel. +358 294 117 600, +358 294 117 680 (ILL)

Move to the new building

We provide updates on the move to the new building of National Repository Library on this page.

SRV was responsible for building a new facility for the National Repository Library in Hiltulanlahti, Kuopio. The construction project was ready in December, 2024.


View pictures from the construction site here.

The move to the new premises started in January 2025. The extensive relocation project will be carried out by Suomen Muuttofirma. The contractor was selected through a competitive bidding process. Eight months have been allocated for the move.

The reception of all materials has been completely suspended until further notice due to our upcoming move. If your library has an urgent need to send small amounts of material, please contact us in advance via email at varkirja(at)nrl.fi.

Customer and interlibrary loan services are currently suspended until further notice. During the move, we will not be able to accept materials for transfer, send interlibrary loans, or receive returns. We will provide updates on the continuation of services on our website as the move progresses in 2025. The move will take about eight months, starting from January 2025.

The loan periods for interlibrary loans from the National Repository Library have been extended until August 29th, 2025, due to our relocation.