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National Repository Library, Päivärannantie 10, 70420 KUOPIO. Tel. +358 294 117 600, +358 294 117 680 (ILL)

The National Repository Library

The National Repository Library (NRL) is a resource shared by all Finnish libraries and information service centres. The NRL is the most economic way of storing library material. Because of the NRL, the need for extra shelf space in libraries throughout the country is decreased and can be controlled.

Opening hours

Mon-Fri 9.00 – 15.00


Sat-Sun closed



The Vaari-Finna operates first and foremost as a tracking database for ILL services, so its own primary cataloguing standards are low; bibliographic records do not contain classification, keywording or serial numbers. Most records copied from elsewhere, however, are at the level required in local or national bibliographies.